"Existential Crisis"
These paintings acknowledge the materiality of the human body, and the body as the basis of experience; as it determines and reflects our experience of life.
The series began out of strong feelings of unease, characterized by anxiety. Hyper self consciousness and stunted self-esteem allowed me to observe factors of my physical existence more objectively than ever. My life was superimposed with ideas about myself and the world around me that did not correspond with my personal truth. The onset of the pandemic was for me an opportunity for deep and uninterrupted self examination, and recovery of dampened spiritual understanding.
Investigating the essential and elemental truths of my existence through painting, allowed me to strip myself bare of the past; of influence and illusion; of this notion of identity which confines us. These paintings took several months and were quite meditative in their execution. Their general compositions came to me as visions in both moments of inner turmoil, and inner stillness. I selectively incorporated true to life references to inform their development.